This is our best friend and lovely dog Ivy, She’s born in the spring of 2020 and brought us so much love and happiness, we couldn’t imagine a live without her now. And who are “we” then, might you think. Well, we are Toby and Suzanne and we decided to start Vibfy for a very simple reason; We wanted a good, comfortable and dog friendly harness for Ivy, that also looked awesome.
We quickly learned, it’s almost always one of both, or it’s a great and comfortable harness for the dog, but it looks awfully boring.
Or it looks great, but it sits like sh*t. After looking around for a while, we decided why not do it ourselves? After calling around, doing the research and a lot of cups coffee later, we finally started our business in the fall of 2020. (This year is not only drama, pun intended.)
Because we’re both previous dog owners and responsible adults that care about the world around us. Starting our own brand wasn’t all about setting up a business and making money. Our brand had to had meaning, and it had to contribute to a better world, what would be the point if we didn’t strive our ideals?
So at Vibfy we do several different things to ensure we make the world a better place with our services, and not worse. What we do to reach this goal, you can read in this article about sustainability.
Costumers shouldn’t be held accountable for the environmental harm companies cause with their products, companies should.
Like many other people out there, we believe a better world starts with yourself. But that’s not all. We also believe that inevitably the environmental issues regarding pollution and plastics in our world, have to be solved at the core of the problem; The companies and manufacturers causing this pollution.
As long as companies and manufacturers keep making products that harm our nature and our world, consumers will buy them. This is exactly what we try to fight as Vibfy by leaving a small as possible carbon footprint in our world.
What we do to reduce our carbon footprint;
- We print all our cardbord boxes and packaging paper by hand with a custom build silk print press and environmental friendly ink.
- We tell our manufacturers to skip all plastic bags/packaging and other useless materials regarding our products. From the factory to our office there are 0 plastic bags involved! All products come in one big cardboard box per size without any additional packaging involved.
- We use recycled materials only.
- We do not use any plastics for packaging or delivery purposes.
- We send all possible documents and notifications trough e-mail only.
- Who cares about a printed invoice coming along with your order? You’ll probably end up throwing it away without even looking at it anyway.
- We send all possible documents and notifications trough e-mail only.

For every order placed, we donate €1,- to the Dutch organization for animal wellbeing.
While it’s pretty clear that humans aren’t better than animals in any way, that doesn’t have to mean we’re worse either.
Every single person in this world is responsible for the wellbeing of the animals we’ve decided to stand above as humans as a species. That’s why we make our costumers owe up to this responsibility by donating to our national animal protection service the Dutch ‘Dierenbescherming’. For every order placed we donate €1,- to the Dutch organization for animal wellbeing. This organization comes up for the wellbeing of all animals in our world, from domesticated to farm animals. Take a look at their website ( if you want to know what you can do to help.
While the protection of animals is an important topic that shouldn’t be forgotten, we tend to do a little more than that. Every once in a while we pick a different charity organization we believe in and which we want to bring under the attention to our costumers. Curious what else we do for our fellow planet inhabitants? Check our Current Charity Projects for more information.